Hunger for the WORD + Pray for the WORLD

SOULIES UNDERGROUND is on this Friday night. As I’ve learnt more about the persecuted church, I’ve been struck by the hunger for the Word of God of underground/secret church members. So SOULIES UNDERGROUND will be an opportunity to be BOUND WITH our brothers and sisters in the persecuted church by learn from their hunger for the Word and also spend time praying for them and for our world. We’ll be looking at Romans 8.

If you’re not part of our youth community, you’re more than welcome to join us online!

We’ve just launched which will include a live video stream and the opportunity to interact via twitter and facebook. Check it out for details.

Why broadcast it online? There probably aren’t many ‘real’ underground churches broadcasting their gatherings via webcam!!

Here are 3 reasons:

  1. I first read about running an event like this in David Platt’s book Radical. And then Secret Church was simulcast to over 50,000 people around the world in April this year. Our aims are smaller scale, but I like the idea and that leads to point 2…
  2. The technology is fairly straightforward. Livestream is free. LIVE THEME is relatively cheap and easy to customise. And it’s brilliant! (Affiliate link)
  3. If a few more people can be encouraged from God’s Word (in Romans 8 ) and spend some time praying for the persecuted church, then why not?! I’m keen to keep leveraging new technology for good things. I think this is a good thing.

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