I’ve now recovered from all-you-can-eat

It’s taken 6 days, but I’ve now recovered from all-you-can-eat at the Merrylands’ Men’s Fight Night last week! It seemed like a good idea at the time, but 10 different types of meat with next to no vegetables really wasn’t a brilliant idea. Excessive food consumption aside, partnering with Merrylands Anglican Church was a joy for our team of Moore College students.

If you missed our posts during mission – they are listed below the jump:

Finally, here are some brief reflections from Senior Minister Nathan Killick:

By some stoke of divine providence Merrylands Anglican Church got to have a Moore College mission team two years in a row. The 2009 team was great and the 2010 team maintained the positive expectations from our congregations. We had High School seminars, Primary School Easter assemblies, Men’s Fight Night, Women’s Equipping night, door-knocking, preaching, testimonies, kid’s clubs and plenty more. We are continually struck by the calibre of the students and staff of MTC; willing, humble, capable, enthusiastic and great initiative. We have already begun to follow up the contacts made but we also benefited from the partnership between MAC and MTC. The MTC team came and help some brothers and sisters in Merrylands with the task that all God’s people share – to make Jesus name known. As a result of the MTC mission – more people in Merrylands know about Jesus. What great partners we have in MTC!

We’re thankful to God for your prayerful partnership during mission. Continue to pray that Jesus would be proclaimed in Merrylands.


2 Replies to “I’ve now recovered from all-you-can-eat”

  1. dave, it’s been great to follow what’s happening, able to pray pretty much continually for mission!

    Thanks for keeping ppl in the loop.

    We’re hoping to score a mission here at newtown/erskineville next year, and I’m collecting people’s remembrances/reflections on mision while they’re still fresh, whether peeps from hosting churches, ministers, or students/faculty from smbc, ptc, moore, so that we can make the most of the opportunity (and other people’s brilliance and mistakes)

    Do you mind plugging it (and doing it!)?


    thanks bro.

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