Mike McCarthy will be playing at the opening night of Paradox Cafe on April 6th, 2011. (Check out previous mentions of Mike & his music on this blog). Paradox is hosted by St Faith’s Church. Ben Molyneux will be giving a short talk. If you’re in the area, come along!
Check out the new paradox website.
I think Mars Hill used to have a live music venue called Paradox. What are the plans with it, would be good to catch up and chat about it as we are possibly looking to do something similar but possibly targeted to senior youth.
hey dukey – it’s aimed at our sunday @ 6 young adults small groups. if all goes well, hoping for 1 a term.
basic flow: hang out over coffee, 1 set from mike, short interview then talk, another set from mike accompanied by dessert.
We might be looking at doing a once a term thing with local bands in the area, kinda pre-evangelism, but still clearly run by us. Still in the ideas stage though.