More 2 Life – basketball GF

Hey dudes. More2Life are playing in the Senior Men’s C grade Terrigal Stadium Basketball Grand Final tonight. Tip-off is at 8pm. Come with black and white pom-poms if you can make it! While on the subject of basketball – I think that Michael Jordan is the all-time greatest sports person. He delivered when it mattered… he regularly scored 3-point buzzer-beaters to win games.

Who do you think is the greatest ever sportsman and sportswoman and why? You can’t nominate yourself or me (I do come close though…)

7 Replies to “More 2 Life – basketball GF”

  1. (btw – we lost bball – the ball just wouldn’t go in!! but we still got a meal after the game + a set of singlets with our team name on them!!)

  2. Bradman? pfft.

    Glen McGrath!!!
    Most of the time he is spot on with his bowling and he is consistant!

  3. come on – mcgrath doesn’t have the same figures that warne has!!

    but warne cannot ever be called a great sportsman – he hasn’t lived worthy of that accolade – biggest tool ever!

  4. It’s interesting the relationship Australia has with Warne. We know he has excellent sporting ability, but we can’t bring ourselves to really like him because we know what his off-field (i.e. in bed!)behaviour is like.
    Despite those who keep trying to say otherwise, the moral life of a public figure, even a sportsman, is by no means irrelevant to how they are judged.

  5. I think Jono McKeown is the all time worst sportsman. Imagine ditching the grand final to go hang out with your girlfriend!!!

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