Music and Youth Sub-Cultures

I recently gave Dan an essay question. He did a fine job in answering it. Originally the plan was to use some of his thinking in an intro for a talk, but the talk changed its tack… but it’s still helpful – and will most definitely help in an upcoming talk.

Music + Youth Sub-Cultures

Here’s the question: In 100-1000 words (100 is fine – just saying 1000 in case you want to go crazy* with it!) discuss the impact of music on youth sub-cultures. Your answer should include the relationship of music to youth sub-culture and the changing cultural trends during the last 20 years.

Here’s a snippet from it:

As we seek to communicate with subcultures for the spread of the Gospel, its important to remember that behind every teenager in a subculture is someone who wants to belong. They want to have their identity shaped and developed and they want to be in genuine relationship. It may not be essential to identify with the same core artifact (sic) as someone from a subculture if you want to be relevant. Subcultures involve a myriad of artifacts (sic). Read the rest…

Teenagers just want to fit in and belong. To really belong is to trust in Jesus and belong to his family both now and into eternity.

*by the way – I think he went crazy!