NYMC07 #3 – Josh Griffin

Today was a professional development day. I spent the day with Josh Griffin. He’s a good guy (and famous blogger). The workshop was called: Your first two years in youth ministry. While I was familiar with lots of the ideas he presented, having read lots of the gear that has come from Doug Fields and the Simply Youth Ministry crew, it was a very encouraging day.

It was good fun. I won a prize with an sms competition (yesssss!). Three statements stood out to me and were very timely:

  • A healthy youth ministry requires leaders to depend on God’s power
  • A healthy youth ministry requires leaders who recognise they can never do enough… but God can.
  • Ministry never ends… believe you can’t do it all

It was also good to chat to Josh over some Seafood noodles at lunch about some specific questions to do with our ministry.

Good times. Thanks Josh.

NYMC Live Blog: #1 – Live Blogging; #2 – Getting here.