Oxygen is rad. Here’s a video from day 1 of Oxygen (I haven’t watched it yet).
Below are are my tweets from Piper, Lennox, Reaching the Next Generation and Piper. Read from the bottom up.

davemiersDave Miers
hey tweets. that’s about it for flooding your wall with #Oxygen11 tweets! Find out more about Jesus here: bit.ly/XiYfz

RoryshinerRory Shiner
by davemiers
“@JohnPiper: It is sure that if you draw an inference from one Bible verse that truly…” Piper tweets WHILE preaching! #Oxygen11

pastorpeterkoPeter Ko
by davemiers
To pursue ur maximum joy in God will cost u ur life! Hand-cutting and eye-gouging stuff. #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“Maximum joy for many of us should be Afghanistan, Iraq, China and India” THIS. WILL. COST. YOU. YOUR. LIFE. @JohnPiper #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“The pursuit of your maximum joy and your living to the Glory of God are never at odds” @JohnPiper #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“God is most glorified in you when you are most satisfied in him” @JohnPiper #oxygen11

CampbelltownAngCampb’town Anglican
by davemiers
I don’t give a rip what the world has, I want what the Holy Spirit makes! – @JohnPiper #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
Mission: “To spread a passion for the supremacy of God in all things for the joy of all peoples through Jesus Christ.” @JohnPiper #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers

davemiersDave Miers
@westichick again – good thoughts! i think you’re right. those last two steps describe high school in the 90s with high school today.

hanskristensenHans Kristensen
by davemiers
I love that a couple have gone from st Ives to lightning ridge for the love of Jesus and the sake of the gospel. #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
@westichick good thoughts. chatted about ur observation with a few ppl this arvo. general consensus. i’m sure studies will start coming soon

davemiersDave Miers
RT @opda: Ugh..heading home sick. Keep up the #oxygen11 tweets! Esp you @davemiers, you’re a machine!! // i’ve got elective tweeting RSI…

davemiersDave Miers
@gordosmith45 dude – only just saw your message! lots of good stuff there… what did you go for?

davemiersDave Miers
Thanks to the gen next #oxygen11 panel. Follow them: @stevechong @ruthleeis @Guy_Mason @jmoff @karlfaase // keep preaching Jesus!

davemiersDave Miers
“multiculturalism – must address how to reach the many cultures in Australia” @stevechong #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“deed starting to take over from word. Do deeds with poor etc, but don’t forget to preach the Word!!!” @karlfaase #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“gotta keep listening and spending time with people” @Guy_Mason #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“listening & leading next Gen to live for God’s glory” @ruthleeis #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
City crew don’t understand the pressures on young people growing up in the country. @karlfaase #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
RT @thebiblebasher Smokers are the lepers of our society. Take-up smoking to evangelize the smokers. Philip Jensen #oxygen11 // @mattsparks?

davemiersDave Miers
You’re not preaching to your lecturers or ministry colleagues, understand your audience! @karlfaase #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
Guy’s ripped jeans connect well with the next generation :) @Guy_Mason #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“Theological depth does not have to equal boringness.” @stevechong #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers

thetonmarquezAnton Marquez
by davemiers
It’s funny how all the tweets ATM are coming from the ‘reaching the next gen’ elective #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
@gordosmith45 front right, 8 rows back, in aisle. You better not be a sniper!!

davemiersDave Miers
Gen Y Issues 2 deal: consumerism; ecology; unity. @stevechong #oxygen11 +1 from @karlfaase “tolerance” +1 @Guy_Mason “role models”

davemiersDave Miers
“Generation Y so connected, but oh so lonely: survey” http://j.mp/nWQZhR // @SMH article @karlfaase just mentioned #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
3 words to describe Gen Y: Relevance; Authentic Experience; Activism. @stevechong #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
“we’ve got to be careful not to overly generalise with generations” @karlfaase #oxygen11

davemiersDave Miers
Reaching the next generation #oxygen11 panel. All have twitter: @stevechong @ruthleeis @Guy_Mason @jmoff @karlfaase

davemiersDave Miers
“We need to teach our young people to think Biblically!” John Lennox #oxygen11 #youthministry

davemiersDave Miers
John Lennox now up to speak at #oxygen11 – here’s his website: johnlennox.org

davemiersDave Miers
Got to watch @JohnPiper preach on a screen at #oxygen11… desiringgod.org is normally higher def! post.ly/317eS

davemiersDave Miers
Sitting in traffic on way to #oxygen11. Will probably bring helicopter tomoz. // #secondtweetlucky
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