Frank Retief @ CCEC

The men from our church who are travelling to MKC might feel a bit gypped. Our senior Minister will be speaking as well as Frank Retief from South Africa. Why would they feel gypped? Because they hear Andrew every week – and on Monday night Frank Retief will be speaking at our church!! But there’s much more to Men’s Convention than whether you hear the speakers regularly or not!

I’m not going to MKC – but if you are hope it rocks.

Below is the info our church has put out. The info has been passed on to other churches – so if you’re not from CCEC – you’re more than welcome to attend.

For more than 30 years Frank pastored a large multicultural churc in Cape Town, South Africa. In the midst of significant political and social upheaval in that country, God has used Frank’s church to declare the message of hope to many South Africans. He is an inspirational Bible preacher and has travelled widely preaching in different places.

When: Monday 19th February at 7:45pm

Erina High School Hall (Cnr The Entrance Rd and Ernest St, Erina)

4367-2100 or email

Happy Valentine’s Day

Tomorrow is the big day rose-lovers. Today I recorded and produced the best Podcast I’ve recorded and produced all year!* I had a couple of special guests join me for the show. Lots of fun. Download it from here. Check out our new website here. Subscribe with iTunes by clicking here. Whatever you do, don’t click here.

*For those who sometimes miss my humour – it’s the only one I’ve done this year!^

^For those who sometimes miss my footnotes explaining my humour – you’ve probably missed the first footnote#

#I think they say that it’s not particularly clever humour if you have to explain it… oops.

Youth Ministry: CCECYOUTH.COM version 4.0

In December I announced that our youth group website would be getting a major face-lift.

Drum roll…

Here it is:

If you could take a minute to check it out – and also send through (in comments or by email) broken links or any problems you can find. If you have a number of different browsers on your computer can you just open it to see if it looks okay? (I’ve check in Firefox 2 and IE 7). Also keen to hear what it likes on an Apple.

The next week or two there are a few tweaks that still need to be made – and the address needs to be redirected to point at it.

I’m currently getting together a team of creative types to help develop a couple of exciting projects that we have in store…

Stay tuned for more.

ps – Prayer Friday 2007 – returning to a blog near you soon!

Youth Ministry: MySpace MyHeartWarms

Some people write some pretty stupid things on MySpace. Some don’t. This quote is part of the latter. Very encouraging…

blessed amazingly by ccec. i love ccecyouth, a wonderful youth group. it’s a wonderful encouraging time each friday night (erina high school hall, 7-9.30, send me a message if you want to know more!) and there’s such a fantastic bunch of christian youth leaders. they’re all so beautiful, and they are the reason i am where i am in my christian walk. without them, i’d be lost. i love the youth group and bible study girls :) bible study is such a great time to hang out together and get into the bible, share what’s happening, and pray together. it makes the hard times so much easier to know there’s people there for you, and the good times so much more fun! loving ccec night church too! the preaching which you hear each week is so amazing and truthful to the gospel, and it is the most wonderful feeling to be sitting amongst a group of people who are so diverse and have so many different interests, but are brought together by the single most important belief in life, and are singing and praising God together.