This is number 30 in my series of Youth Ministry posts.
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Youth Ministry: Leaders fighting Lust
The following is part of an email I’m about to send out to CCECYOUTH leaders.
We’ve had two great meetings recently and spent a significant amount of time in the pastoral epistles (1 & 2 Timothy and Titus) reflecting on the life of the leader. Our character matters more than our competency. Our godliness matters more than our giftedness.
Lust is something that all people struggle with. Guys and girls, young and old, married and single. I’m keen to keep guarding my heart from selfishness and sexual impurity. Be encouraged to do like wise. To that end, I’ve recently started listening to Josh Harris (Senior Pastor of Covenant Life) speaking on Purity. The series is great so far. Here is the sermon section. Download the talks directly: Talk 1, Talk 2, Talk 3, Talk 4, Talk 5. These talks aren’t just for guys!! They’ve also put together a list of other resources on the same topic.
There are stacks of great resources on the Internet to help Christians fight against lust (there are also many websites set up to cause people to lust!!). The Rebulation has set up a resource page that pulls together many great ones (including John Piper).
If you’re struggling with lust – get accountable today. Speak to someone. Join up with a prayer partner or prayer triplet. Be reminded also of the forgiveness that the blood of Jesus brings – and pray that God would keep changing you from the inside out.
If you check out any of the resources leave a comment with any reflections. Likewise – if you find any other good resources post them in the comments section.
i heart ccec nite church music
Last night I was picked up for church. My lift was significantly late. For the 20 minutes that I stood on the side of the road I was disappointed. Why? Because I would miss the first half of songs at church. While waiting I was able to reflect on how much I love CCEC nite church music. Dan has done a great job over the last year or so in developing the team.
The two songs that I was able to sing were fantastic. We were taught Let your kingdom come from Sovereign Grace’s Valley of Vision CD (this CD is gold… get it!). We’ve played this at morning church a bunch of times – but this was the first time at nite – and it was fantastic. The other song was Crown him with many crowns. In my opinion this is the best hymn re-write. Dan put new music to it last year.
Our nite church music is in my opinion some of the best quality music around. I used to enjoy the quality at Katoomba Christian Conventions more than church but that has now changed. KCC gear hasn’t become worse – just ours has become better.
So if you’re in the music crew at church and you’re reading this: be encouraged to keep making fine music.
Question: Do you love your church music? Or just tolerate it?
Galatians 6:14
But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world.
Coolest. Bike. Ever.
Bloodshot Bill
This is a video I made this arvo for tonight’s session at KYLC. It was fun to make it. There was a major blooper in the video. 1 trillion rupee to the first person to spot it (you can’t win if you were there live…).