Party Inheritance

Only three more sleeps until the election. Awesome! When election time comes we normally get booted out of our hall for youth group so that they can set up the polling booth. During term 1’s state election we ran junior youth group in the school’s canteen area. Had a dodgeball tournament – fully sick! So hopefully this election day eve will be as fun.

On our junior youth camp on the weekend, I heard more political discussion from junior high than I ever have before! Quite remarkable… you should have seen the food fight across the tent between Team Kevin and Team John! I made a claim that when you’re a teenager you’re political views are not your own by inherited from your parents.

I was interested to read today an article in the SMH all about Party Inheritance. According to an ANU study 70% of young people align themselves to the party of their parents.

I have been voting for 10 years in local, state and federal elections. I still vote with my parents… but that vote is increasingly becoming my own. I’ve claimed for a long time that I’d be willing to swing, I just haven’t yet! Even if my political views are now my own, I think it’s difficult to separate my views from the views of my parents that have shaped my upbringing.

How much are you still shaped by the political views of your parents?


  • Howard007
  • Michelle is asking some questions on “Christian” political parties.
  • This site looks helpful – but is a waste of time. It’s slow and crashes. And I don’t think the candidates have really jumped on board (at least in my electorate)

6 Replies to “Party Inheritance”

  1. Thanks for the link Dave.

    As far as inheriting politics goes, I vote similarly to my Dad in the House of Reps, but for very different reasons, and very unlike him in the Senate. And I vote pretty much the polar opposite to my mum.

    Also, my Dad’s been known to do the odd ‘donkey’ vote, something I would never do.

  2. By the way, great image. It’s spinning me out, I feel like it’s ‘revolving’ between K07 and JH.

  3. yo andy… why would i swing for the sake of swinging… cos you did?

    i did the graphic.
    just got two pics with roughly same size heads… cropped them to be the same dimensions and then used picasa to overlay them. very quick and easy.

  4. yea i have to agree with this one, but what if your parents vote different parties? it also helps if you have done economics, helps you you to understand whats really being said from the parties and not all the exaggerated stuff the media pumps out.

  5. Well, my parents have made a point of not telling me who they vote for. I can guess, but I don’t know, which could be an advantage, or it could be disadvantade. Come Election day, I may well be able to say it is actually my own vote.

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