Prayer Friday #014

Busy week gone. Busy week ahead! Looking forward to a week off after Christmas! Thanks for praying – feel free to email (or leave in comments) any for you.

>Thank God for the year of youth group. Finished tonight with a party. Good time
>Pray for our nation in the midst of tragic decisions about cloning
>Thank God for some new friends – pray that they put their trust in Jesus

Picture is random – used it tonight as an illustration – you can get royalty free images from great resource!

One Reply to “Prayer Friday #014”

  1. have you read ian, (Rodeoclown’s) blog and his thoughts on cloning?
    i think its a tragic decision too, but i think ian also has a good point that they should change it so abortion can only be carried out in the first two weeks of pregnancy.
    i do actually have 2 prayer points
    -1stly, our sister Amanda is getting married on saturday.
    -2ndly, i’m travelling to america to be an Au Pair in about a month and its my first time being away from my family for longer than a eek, let alone my first time overseas, but yeah, its exciting. i’m just praying that i find a way to cope with the loneliness and new situations…


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