Prime Minister Kevin

… how Aussie does that sound! This post isn’t political and I have no intention of revealing how or who I’ll vote for next Federal election. But how good does that sound: Prime Minister Kevin! Kevin is such an Aussie name. While there are at least 2 notable overseas exceptions (Kevin Arnold from the Wonder Years + Kevin Federline the nice gentlemen formerly married to Britney Spears), Kevin is a tops Aussie name – typified by Big Kev.

I think that Kevin Rudd could well make a good Prime Minister – we’ll see what happens. It was tragic to hear that Kim Beazley lost his brother on the same day he lost the ALP Leadership – it would have definitely put things in perspective.

What do you think of Kevin Rudd… do you think he’d make a good PM?
What do you think of the name Kevin? Add any more famous (or not-so-famous) Kevins to the komments…

9 Replies to “Prime Minister Kevin”

  1. Hey – Jinks! We’ve posted on the same thing (or same person), but coming from a somewhat different angle!!

    Other Kevins … Kevin Costner to get the ball rolling.

  2. Kevin Arnold was also the sick kid in ‘The Princess Bride’…can’t think of any other famous Kevins though.

  3. Yeah PM Kev is a Christian…I also think he would be a good PM…definitely the best alternative that the ALP has put forward in a long time.

    As for other Kevins…Kevin Bacon…how many degrees of separation are there between Kevin Rudd and Kevin Bacon?!

  4. PM Kev being a Christian is the precise thing I posted on over here. He’s very open about it and has said some good stuff in the public forum, allowing his faith to shape his views and policies.

  5. hey everyone keeps using PM kev…
    it should be MP kev – potenial PM kev.

    hey andy m love your post on your site

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