6 Replies to “Purity Download”

  1. Josh’s blog is a great place to visit. I had already passed this on to some friends in my accountability group.

  2. i’ll be speaking on 1cor6 stuff and some homosexuality stuff at juniors tomoz night… it could be good to go over some of it on the poddy tomoz night??? what do ya think?

  3. yeah that sounds good. We are doing Alcohol at seniors so it will be a topical night. Lots of good opportunities for Poddy discussions.

  4. How did 1 Cor 6 go? I’ve got a novel interpretation of that passage – not my own, but Carl’s, but I adopted it when I preached on that passage recently. No other commentator seems to take this view.

  5. went okay.

    it’s always funny giving sex talks to junior youth group.

    what’s ur interpretation??

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