Retweet with BackType and

I’ve recently installed BackType Tweetcount and URL shortener on dmdc. What does this mean? 1) There is a number in the bottom right corner of each blog post displaying how many times it has been tweeted. 2) A button so you can easily retweet. 3) makes short web addresses for each post eg.

this is a snowboarder

Interested in doing it on your site? Check out church crunch for the how-to (there’s one bit of code you need to change – see it in the comments on that post).

sxc pic

3 Replies to “Retweet with BackType and”

  1. Short web addresses make me sad. I have no meta-information showing me where I’ll end up if I click on a link.

    URL shorteners are killing the internet. 5 letters at a time.


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