Ryan Ferguson recites Hebrews 9-10

The above reading is from WorshipGod06. I’ve only watched the first couple of minutes (because my dodgy-dial-up cut out!) – but it’s fantastic! It is easy to understand and the Word of God is clearly heard. I think that by nature the passage is visual – but Ryan does a marvellous job of reciting it.

What do you think? (If someone has a better internet connection – let me know how it finishes!)

For those waiting for the Thursday post announced on Tuesday – you’ll have to wait until next week.

3 Replies to “Ryan Ferguson recites Hebrews 9-10”

  1. That is amazing! It finishes at the end of Chapter 10, and he just walks off stage holding up his ESV.

  2. it finally loaded properly on my computer. it was great!!!

    i will watch it again when i have some time – the whole way – rather than a couple of minutes at a time as it loaded!

    hey sam – hope that mission prepr is going well

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