Defending the Rights of the Unborn

I hate abortion. And so I am encouraged by the work of Christian Pastor John Piper in defending the rights of the unborn. Likewise the Abort73 website is doing a great job in standing up for the helpless. In Victoria, some changes to decriminalise abortion have been passed through the Lower House, but still need to be passed through the Upper House. It’s not too late to act! Below are two incredible videos from a speech given by a survivor of abortion. Take 15 minutes to watch. Then pray and act.

Gianna Jessen Abortion Survivor in Australia Part 1:

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Medical Testimony Against Abortion

There is abundant medical evidence that life begins at fertilization, so much so that even the abortion industry cannot deny the claim…” WATCH THIS VIDEO – it isn’t graphic – it simply shows some statistics and quotes to back up the above claim. My abhorrence of abortion is increasing.

“Every abortion kills one of the most helpless members of the human community.” Will you help the helpless?

(h/t Abe Piper)