Original Sin – Henri Blocher

I’m currently reading Original Sin, Illuminating the Riddle by Henri Blocher for a Doctrine book review. I’ve read some Blocher before, and it’s good stuff. Here’s a thorough book review that will help others doing the same question… or likewise if you’re not in my doctrine class, read it to get an idea of his argument. THE REVIEW.

Original Sin by Henri Blocher

Here’s a brief summary of the book from the same website (basically the back of the book): “This is a philosophically sophisticated (and hence difficult!) treatment of the biblical evidence for original sin. Interacting with the best theological thinking on the subject, Blocher shows that while the nature of original sin is a mystery and riddle, only belief in it makes any sense of evil and wrong-doing. The book contains a general survey of the biblical evidence; a study of Genesis 2-3 and its relation to modern scientific, literary and theological thinking; a new and ground-breaking interpretation of Romans 5; a consideration of some of the intellectual difficulties that antagonists have with the doctrine itself. Not an easy read but invaluable for understanding original sin and working out what you think about Romans 5!”

Don’t know Jesus? Have a read of Colossians 1:15-23

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Nothing in my hand I bring

Nothing in my hand I bring – by Ray Galea

Book Review

Nothing in my hand…

In preparation for some recent talks on the 5 Solas of the Reformation, I read Ray Galea’s new book Nothing in my hand I bring (published by Matthias Media). I believe that Galea’s book is a very helpful read for all Protestants in the lead up to the World Catholic Youth Day 2008 (which incidentally will cost NSW tax payers $86million).

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