Jan 10 – Genesis 25-26; Matthew 9:1-17 – GOD’S PROMISES TO ISAAC

Welcome to the “But first, Bible” daily devotional podcast with Dave Miers.

The plan today is to read Genesis 25-26 and Matthew 9:1-17. If you haven’t had a chance to read the Bible yet, pause this podcast to hear God speak before you listen to anything more from me.

Okay, welcome back.

Following on from the promises that God made to Abraham in Genesis 12, the rest of Genesis records the way that God’s promises roll out with the few generations that follow Abraham.

One of the things that I love about these chapters is the way that the story plays out in the context of real history, with the nitty gritty details of ordinary people going about their lives.

Abraham dies in Genesis 25, and then in Genesis 26 the LORD appears to Isaac on two different occasions.

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