This is Steve (on the left). Even though he has heard a lot about Jesus before, he still had a lot of unanswered questions about why Jesus came.
After our Many Rooms lunch today, we sat down, opened the Bible and attempted to bring clarity on the good news of Jesus.
Steve has a rough background and wasn’t certain that God would accept him. We spoke about the finished work of Jesus on the cross in the place of sinners and the certain hope that Jesus’ resurrection brings to all who trust in Him.
We prayed together as Steve turned to Jesus!! It was a joy to see Steve grasp the message of Christ and find assurance by trusting in Him.
I drew the ‘Two Ways To Live’ gospel outline (check it out here: twowaystolive.com) and he found the visuals really helpful.
Please pray for Steve as he connects into church, that he will keep trusting Jesus and that God would give him strength to live for Jesus.
I’m praying for many more changed lives in churches this Christmas.
If you’re nearby, join us on December 20 at City on a Hill for our Christmas services.
Melbourne: 930am, 11am, 6pm
Geelong: 11am
West: 11am
Brisbane: Next year!
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