We Are The Outpost have just launched a killer EP, AWAKEN. It’s seriously good, I’ve had it on repeat for the last week! Jesus-centred lyrics, solid tunes, well produced. The band was birthed out of the youth ministry of MBM Rooty Hill (Western Sydney, Australia).

I dig all 4 tracks, but the stand outs for me are 1 & 2.
(1) Anchored Hope – I was told by one of the younger guys at church that this song had a post-hardcore feel. I’m not sure what that means, but I guess it’s good! This song is jam packed with goodness from the New Testament book of Hebrews. The song begins with “burn your white flags, look up ahead” (this refrain is then repeated at the end). The idea of burning your white flag is all about not surrendering, not giving up, continuing to persevere and trust in Jesus until the end. This song will definitely be put on the playlist at SOULIES. It’s also got a good beat for exercise and running!
(2) Hallowed – Cliff Richard did an okay job back in 1999 with his Millennium Prayer hit in getting the words of The Lord’s Payer stuck in your head. We Are The Outpost do a much better job! I would love it if youth ministries all over the place got the words of The Lord’s Prayer stuck in their head through Hallowed. It’s got a little bit of a The Temper Trap feel to it. Tidy work.
If you’re part of making music happen in your youth ministry/church – get into this gear! If you’re not, get into it anyway – it will be good for your soul.
Props to Matt Sparks for running a sweet youth ministry. And BIG props to Steve Vassallo for writing & producing this EP and for his ongoing work with the band.