The Catalytic Cross

If you followed my commentary on NYMC07 you'd have seen that I concluded that "Australian Youth Ministry needs leaders who will preach Christ Crucified to a dying generation." Over the weekend Greg Stier spoke at a similar conference in the US about the need to preach Christ crucified. Check out his talk summary. Marko didn't agree with the talk (last paragraph). Schmoyer did. I'm with Stier and Schmoyer on this one.

7 Replies to “The Catalytic Cross”

  1. wait — i didn’t say i “disagree” that teenagers need to know about the cross! i just think they need to know more about jesus than only the cross. i don’t want to reduce jesus to only the cross. i want teenagers to know the jesus of creation, the jesus of the incarnation, the jesus of the parables and justice and healing and all the other stuff of his life and message, and the jesus of resurrection, IN ADDITION to the jesus of the cross.

  2. Awesome blog by Greg!

    Marko, definitely agree that youth ministries should focus on other aspects of Jesus.

    The danger:
    Multi-focus can lead to blurred centrality, which distorts Christianity.
    That has been my experience serving in youth ministry.

    The solution:
    The cross needs to be central, and
    the cross needs to interpret.

    If these two are combined then
    – creation
    – incarnation
    – parables
    – miracles
    – justice
    all flow from the same entry point.

    Paul says “For I decided to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified.”
    and then he continues with many words on many issues.

    I want to imitate Paul as he imitated Christ.

    Peace out

  3. Just thought of something: Dave, have you heard of Paul Washer?
    He is on about the Cross in a big, big, BIG way.

  4. hey haysey…

    i just googled him… too many videos and pages… so… shoot me the video that’s stood out to you the most.

    i’ve been reading more about greg stier and the dare2share ministry.
    it looks pretty good!
    might blog on it more in the future.



  5. Yeah Google is never a good port-of-call if you want a few results.

    You might be interested in his so-called ‘shocking youth sermon’. (given that you work with youth…)
    To watch it, try here:

    Or you can download an mp3here

    That’s the only full message I’ve heard from him, but I’ve heard pieces of other ones, and interviews. He isn’t always as ‘shocking’ – but He is always as powerfully faithful in uncomfortable truths.

    This guy reckons these are the 3 best:
    The bottom one interests me. (5 more exams and I’ll listen to it!)

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