The Christ Files

For many years our church has used a daggy old British video called ‘Message from the Memory Banks’ to illustrate the reliability of the Bible. It was a very convincing video, but soooo out of date! In a short time this video will be obsolete. Introducing… The Christ Files. John Dickson, author of a book by the same name, is getting ready to launch the new documentary in just over a month.

Check out the website, the video above and an excerpt from the video. I’ve got a few copies of The Christ Files book. If you live in Australia and don’t know Jesus, contact me and I’ll send you a copy for free.

(h/t craig and benny)

2 Replies to “The Christ Files”

  1. This vid looks sweet. I reckon it will be a really good thing to have and be able to lend out to mates.

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