The latest from andyruminations monthly…

My brother pretty much blogs once a month. Here is his latest post. It’s about buying 4 U2 albums on iTunes with a voucher that Row and I gave to him for his birthday. Go check his blog out… you could maybe even comment and say that you think he should post more often!


I had today off. I have piles of stuff to do at the moment… but thought it would be good to have a break. I worked out that over a two month period from mid-October to mid-December I would only have 2 Saturdays off. So… in order not to die – today was wonderful! Here’s a quick summary: read Mark 6-8; prayed; ate food; went to my dentist for the 3rd time in 8 days (I really enjoy going to the dentist… I look forward to going again in 6 months time!!); read David Wells’ Above All Earthly Pow’rs in Gloria Jeans; went for a 1 hour walk and listened to Songs for the Cross-Centred Life; bought a whipper-snipper (or weed-whacker for the kiwi’s); mowed the lawn; went to the beach with Row; and now about to have growth group. Great day! Praise God.


The week ahead on eternal weight of glory:

>Wednesday: EMO Evangelism II
>Thursday: Review of Revive‘s latest album
>Friday: Prayer Friday #12

Very exciting…

6 Replies to “The latest from andyruminations monthly…”

  1. good to hear dave. i was praying for you today that you wouldn’t get bogged down and that you would be productive. what an answer to prayer. this is andy. not sure how to leave it with my name.. oh well

  2. andy b – thanks brother. hope the exam goes well tomorrow. speak soon (catch you maybe 215 tomorrow???)

    andy m – what do you mean? you’ll start blogging more???

  3. ahhhh.

    i now get andy m’s question – it’s not andy m – but andy b who has made a user name!!!

    therefore discard my question 2 andy m.


  4. Just following your link to Revive’s site…didn’t realise that their song was used on Jamie’s Kitchen! That is very cool indeed :)

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