The Wisdom of Solomon

Praise God. One of our prayer points from last Friday was answered… our Dentist didn’t kill us! In fact he was very good. Row currently sounds like a boxer when she speaks (she had one of her wisdom teeth pulled out) and I’m enjoying super-clean teeth. The dentist told me that I’m unique. 2 reasons: 1) I haven’t been to the dentist since I was a kid and I’ve only got minor problems and 2) My wisdom teeth are prefect and will stay intact.

Just call me ‘Solomon

How wise are you??

12 Replies to “The Wisdom of Solomon”

  1. I had xrays as a teenager which showed I will never get wisdom teeth – what does that say about me?

  2. Wow…either Row’s mouth has healed amazingly fast or she did a very good job of hiding it…I didn’t notice any difference in her speaking tonight!

    Erin and I are off to the dentist for the first time in years next week…nothing major for me (I hope) but Erin may need a little bit of work done…not sure…

  3. Wow…either Row’s mouth has healed amazingly fast or she did a very good job of hiding it…I didn’t notice any difference in her speaking tonight!

    she got 2 of them out just before we got married back in 03 – and it almost killed her!! her dentist in sydney was a lot rougher than our new one in gosford. she said it was really easy yesterday! the needle was the only bad bit!

    Erin and I are off to the dentist for the first time in years next week…nothing major for me (I hope) but Erin may need a little bit of work done…not sure…

    good luck.

    which dentist?

  4. I might have to have my wisdom teeth out – eeek!!

    Did you know dentists are the profession with the highest suicide rates?

  5. I might have to have my wisdom teeth out – eeek!!

    good luck!

    Did you know dentists are the profession with the highest suicide rates?

    yeah – i was considering using that info if mine became violent… but he was great!

  6. I had xrays as a teenager which showed I will never get wisdom teeth – what does that say about me?

    now that i know this comment is from my sister I can say that all the wisdom for the 2 youngest children in our family went to me (call me Mr. Super-Wise-with-four- wisdom-teeth-intact from now on)


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