The world’s most …… blogger

Nothing profound from me today. This dude is known as “the world’s most hated blogger“. Fill in the gap for yourself:

“The world’s most …… blogger”.

What would yours be? 1 warm fuzzy for each creative entry. 5 for the best.

31 Replies to “The world’s most …… blogger”

  1. How about the world’s most ‘proficient at clipping baby fingernails’ blogger.

  2. You fooled me, I thought there was a lot of discussion going on here.

    You could be “the most deceptive blogger” :) Whereas I could be “the perceptive blogger”, but the irony is that if I was the most perceptive blogger, I would probably not have fallen for your deception, so perhaps I am just a “confused blogger”.

    How is that for creativity?

  3. How about the world’s most ‘proficient at clipping baby fingernails’ blogger.

    nice one. just saw your post on that! definitely 1 warm fuzzy. good stuff.

  4. You could be “the most deceptive blogger” :) Whereas I could be “the perceptive blogger”, but the irony is that if I was the most perceptive blogger, I would probably not have fallen for your deception, so perhaps I am just a “confused blogger”.

    i get what you mean.
    nice piece of prose.

    definitely worth 1 warm fuzzy

  5. The world’s most fully sick blogger

    The world’s most wog blogger

    these two go hand in hand

  6. How is that for creativity?

    Chris – that’s incredible.

    You are definitely in the top 2 at the moment for creativity!

  7. i guess it goes to show that your title for me was appropriate… and maybe your first title for yourself was better than the second?

  8. i can call myself a wog, one of teh advantages of being one.

    racist against myself???

    i’ll try and get that going


  9. my apologies for calling racist.

    the josh i was thinking of is very un-wog… but now i understand the context… it’s all falling into place!

    **mental note – david is talking to himself too much!**

  10. For some reason i was not able to post for a while under Josh and had to go back to using my blogger account……..
    this is one way of creating hype on a blog post just have conversations with people and you rack up the comment numbers :)

  11. i think you are talking to yourself again, should stop that, some people might think you are going mad

  12. the world’s most randomist blogger.

    i think that might be a made up word – but I post all sorts of random things…

  13. I think I’d be the ‘world’s most non-blogging blogger’

    (I don’t actually blog myself…just read others and post comments…)

  14. hey cj – very creative. here’s a warm fuzzy.

    when are you going to start your own?
    if you take all your comments from this blog and make them into your own blog – you’d have quite a sizeable blog with some solid content.

  15. worlds most parasitic blogger

    When I find interesting stuff, instead of blogging it I comment it on other people’s blogs.
    Which is because no-one reads mine, which is because I never post, which is because no-one…


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