Top 5 Blog Posts – November 2008

Welkom bij dave miers dot com. Dobrodošli na Dave miers dot com. Bienvenido a Dave Miers punto com. Willkommen bei Dave Miers dot com. Selamat datang ke final miers dot com. Here are the top 5 most viewed/read posts from November 2008.

  1. Paris Hilton and David Beckham
  2. How to run a meeting that doesn’t suck
  3. Very tempting…
  4. Friday Foto #39
  5. Movember 2008

Warm fuzzy if you can name the 5 different languages used in the welcome.

Warm fuzzy for every first time commenter. (If you don’t know what a warm fuzzy is, oh boy, you don’t want to miss out!)

3 Replies to “Top 5 Blog Posts – November 2008”

  1. I have no idea about the five languages; I have enough trouble with English. But I’m definitely interested in the warm fuzzy! Do you need my address so you can mail it to me???

  2. doug – you do get a back rub.

    warm fuzzy: you are the poly-lingual-legend.

    dan – thanks for the comment! my warm fuzzies are pretty powerful – so no address needed!! here it comes:

    warm fuzzy: dan you are easily the best coffee-drinking tractor-driving youth pastors i know!

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