7 Replies to “Two Ways to Live – Ecclesiastes”

  1. Looks nice!
    Very similar to the ‘traditional’ Two Ways To Live.
    My main concern is that it seems to be tending towards proof texting, because the package as presented is not the message of the author… I mean, they’re all true and the passages do support them, but is your concern the main concern of the author?
    Its not a biggy, but I guess unless you gain something from taking them all from the same book, is it worth the danger? (of, say, tacitely condoning proof-texting…)

  2. yeah – as i wrote it, i was aware that prooftexting was a danger… but i’m pretty certain that ecclesiastes (and indeed all the biblical wisdom literature) is written with clear allusions back to Genesis 1-11.

    Genesis 1-11 basically covers the first three boxes of two ways to live – and i think so does ecclesiastes. in genesis 3:15 there is the early picture of the gospel… in ecclesiastes, the link isn’t as clear. but i think romans 8 and 1 cor 15 are both written with the ecclesiastes thinking in the background.

    anyway – back to work.

  3. Seeing as you asked :P I’d say that if the exegesis of the proof-texts is sound then the purpose of the tool determines whether proof-texting in that manner is a good idea.

    What’s it for?

    1. hey kutz!

      i spoked on ecclesiastes on an evangelistic camp a few years ago.
      i often put gospel outlines in the booklet.
      i thought it would be useful to use ecclesiastes in the gospel outline.

      this was 5 years ago – i’ve spoken from ecclesiastes in a number of different ways since then – i think the two ways to live outline is still useful :)

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