What can a Census really tell us about Australia, and about ourselves?

It’s a couple of weeks until the next Census in Australia. Sweet. Can’t wait. The Australian Bureau of Statistics has a nifty flash application at the moment called ‘Spotlight’. Check it out. It has lots of interest stats along the way. Here’s the snapshot it spat out for me.

It might be useful for getting a snapshot on your suburb? Good for knowing and loving people in it? Maybe? Either way the Census is important for understanding our mission field. Do you use ABS data much in gaining a profile on your community? If so, how?

(h/t Tim)

ps – maybe the census doesn’t pick this up, but Ministers of Religion work more than 8 hours a day!

8 Replies to “What can a Census really tell us about Australia, and about ourselves?”

  1. Heh, funny (or sad?) that there are more fast food cooks than ministers, but aren’t you encouraged to be in the company of 14,783 other ministers?

    As long as the ministers don’t serve up their ‘product’ like the fast food cooks do ;-) Give me some slow cooked meat that I can sink my *spiritual* teeth into! (Or was that a ‘Jesus Juke?’ *sorry*)

    I enjoy your bloggg…

    1. but at least there are less prison officers?!?

      your puns amuse me :)

      thanks for stopping by again Chris.

      I’ve checked out your blog a couple of times. i’m thankful to God for the way he has sustained you through tough times. keep trusting Jesus.

    1. no idea. i think it’s like my dad’s grandfather or something.
      maybe i read the question wrong… maybe i should have been australia and australia?

      hope you have a great time while you’re in austria!!

  2. Hey thanks Dave. God is Good! He has indeed sustained me and my family – and as an added bonus, He is letting us peek behind the curtain now & then at some of His purposes for us! And do you know what? They all seem to focus on Romans 8:29.

    I enjoyed your Prodigal Father sermon btw, though I got interrupted and still need to catch the end……

  3. Fantastic! Who would have thought something to do with the census would have me laughing at my screen (or myself).

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