
Check this swimsuit website out. It’s about time wholesome girls had some real options in what to wear beachside other than tracksuit pants!

But seriously… What do you think?? Is this a bit prudish? Or ought we encourage our Christian sisters to wear these dreadful looking costumes? What about a hajib?

4 Replies to “WholesomeWear”

  1. Hmm the photo’s made me cringe. I wonder if they offer a line of swimwear for males. Its a bit geeky i think, aside from the christian perspective on things (is it a christain site? there was no mention of it.) its taking us back to the 1930’s, is that a good thing? or back to the baptist days where dancing was sinful. I think if a male struggles that much with seeing females in swimmers that they should be made to cover up so much maybe he shouldnt go to the pool or beach. Im sure the skin cancer council would love this line though.

  2. Hmm the photo’s made me cringe. I wonder if they offer a line of swimwear for males. Its a bit geeky i think, aside from the christian perspective on things (is it a christain site? there was no mention of it.) its taking us back to the 1930’s, is that a good thing? or back to the days where dancing was sinful. I think if a male struggles that much with seeing females in swimmers that they should be made to cover up so much maybe he shouldnt go to the pool or beach. Im sure the skin cancer council would love this line though.

  3. I think they are a bit too much!

    Certainly great to stop wandering eyes, but I just think they will become a bit of a joke.

    What’s wrong with a rashie and boardies. As long as its not a bikini then it’s a step in the right direction.

  4. andrew h – you’re probably right.
    boardies and rashie are sensible in not showing too much to wandering eyes… covering up more from uv probs… and they don’t look incredibly daggy!

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