YMC07 #6 – Woodhouse & French

John Woodhouse and Jim French were the two speakers on Tuesday.

Woodhouse spoken on leadership from 1 Samuel 24. He argued that the whole of 1 Samuel is about leadership. From the Judges to Eli to Samuel to Saul to David. There were helpful insights on the contrast between the people’s King (Saul) and the Lord’s Anointed King (David). The take home application of 1 Samuel, and indeed the whole Bible, is that first and foremost we are not to look for what type of leader we are to be, but what type of leader we need. Jesus is the leader that Israel needed. Jesus is the leader I need. Amen.

French spoke on 2 Timothy 4:1-8. Here’s the structure of the talk:

  • The Youth you lead belong to God
  • 1) The seriousness of leading (v1)
  • 2) The nature of the leadership (vv2-5)
  • 3) How to finish leading strongly (vv6-8)
  • What legacy will you leave?

Some good stuff. Good to think through implicit and explicit training. Good to think through the relationship between Paul and Timothy. Fantastic reminder of the sovereignty of God in our ministry.

YMC07 Blog: #1 – Leadership;#2 – Get yourself a mouthguard, #3 – Get into shape, #4 – Veteran Forum, #5 – Dinner.