I’M AT #NYMC 2013!! #YIEW


Above is the sunset that greeted us as we arrived at Coolangatta. I’m here for the National Youth Ministry Convention 2013 with 500 other youth ministers.

I will be presenting 3.5 times over the next couple of days:

Redeeming Social Media

A ‘Digital Native’ is someone who has grown up in a digital and web-connected world. How do we effectively minister to ‘Digital Natives’? The Internet brings with it great dangers as well as incredible opportunities. How can we teach our young people to avoid the harmful while leveraging it for good? This seminar will not just raise the questions; it will give you an achievable strategy for developing an effective web presence for your youth ministry. This includes creating a website, using social media and protecting children online.

Using your story to share Jesus story

Stories are powerful tools in communication. One of the most compelling ways to share the good news of Jesus is through personal testimony. In this elective Dave will show you how to help the youth in your community to share Jesus’ story by showing the points of intersection with their own personal story. This elective will equip you with specific training material transferable to your youth ministry.

Running Life Changing Camps

Christian camps are an incredible opportunity to build your youth community. In this elective Dave will share from his experience of 100+ youth camps how to run camps that change lives through solid discipleship while having an unforgettably fun time! This elective will include practical ideas to for preparation, programming and flow on into your regular youth gatherings.

Panel Chat with Q&A

Hosted by the YesHeIs.com team, this interactive forum will explore what it means to have a positive and meaningful online presence, in order to reach young people with the story of Jesus.

I’ve already posted some resources in the lead up to NYMC: Redeeming Social Media and The Digital Skatepark. Stay tuned for more!

Keen to pray for #NYMC? Pray that this convention will help to refresh youth leaders and equip them to continue proclaiming the death and resurrection of Jesus to lost teenagers around Australia. I’d also value prayer for finishing off my workshops and also other work from church I still need to complete.

If you have stumbled here during the conference and you are involved in youth ministry, make sure you check out these incredible books to give to your youth!

Check out some of the #NYMC hashtag action: