25 years is a long time to wait!

I’ve been reading Genesis as part of my OT bible reading plan for 2011 (you got a plan yet???). In Genesis 11 we’re introduced to Abraham, and by Gen 12 God has made some massive promises to him. It was interesting to note the different ages of Abraham throughout the unfolding of God’s promises. Here are the references I noticed:

  • Gen 12:4 – 75 years old when he leaves Haran to set out for Canaan
  • Gen 16:3 – 85 years old as he’d been in Canaan for 10 years
  • Gen 16:16 – 86 years old when he tried to speed up God’s promises by having Ishmael with Hagar
  • Gen 17:1, 17, 24 – 99 years old when he was circumcised
  • Gen 21:5 – 100 years old when Isaac is born to Sarah

God makes promises to Abraham that through his family all peoples on earth will be blessed. This was at age 75. He didn’t yet have any children. After 10 years, he got itchy feet and with an old barren wife, figured he had to make it happen. God says that he has it under control and that Sarah will be the one who will bear the child through whom God’s promises will continue to unfold. It’s then another 14 years before baby Isaac rocks up on the scene!!

Even though they tried to speed things up, I think you see something of Abraham and Sarah’s trust in God while they wait for 25 years before his promised is fulfilled through them. However the biggest thing is that God shows himself to be a promise keeper, and he will do things in his time.

Pretty handy to know when we think we’re in control!