3 Tips for First Time (or Undecided) Voters

It’s time to get you vote on, tomorrow! I’ve posted a bunch of politics related posts in the last few weeks. You can read them here. I know lots of Christians who aren’t quite sure how to think through who to vote for. I think this is particularly for younger Christians who are voting for the first time and working out if they will vote for their parents party or a different one. It’s not too late to take an hour or two before you vote to think things through. My 3 tips for first time (or undecided) voters are the 3 recommended reading lists below.

1. Centre for Public Christianity | Federal Election 2010CPX regularly do a killer job at showing how Christianity intersects with all areas of life and society. I’ve only had a look at a few of the articles and videos, but their election 2010 coverage is comprehensive and very useful. They include the following areas of discussion:  Christians and Politics; Economics; Education; Environment; Family and Community; Justice; Refugees; and Politicians. Read/view more here.

2. The Box Pop | On Voting and JesusSteve Boxwell is one of my peeps from College. He single handedly coached our whole year through Philosophy 1, Philosophy 2 and Philosophy 3. He’s also the “politics guy”. Because lots of people regularly ask him questions about politics etc, he thought it would be good to punch out some blog posts this week with some thinking on “voting and Jesus”. Steve puts his cards on the table and says how he will be voting. Regardless of whether you come to the same conclusions or not, this series will help you think through lots of the issues. It kinda feels like that year 6 trip to Canberra! Read them all here.

3. FERVR.NET | Series on Voting – let me be honest, I only read the first post in this series, so the whole series could be a lemon for all I know! But I’m guessing it’s useful. FERVR.NET is a youth website I help write for, so these 5 articles might be the simplest and first stop for younger punks.

Happy voting.

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