Break it Down #7

I inadvertently helped to start a discussion on Paul Grimmond’s latest Sola Panel post. The discussion began with discussing how long blog posts should be, but then progressed to talk about how to use the blogging medium in general.

random pic

I’ve posted before on why I blog (2006, 2008, 2009). What do you think? What’s the point of a blog? How long should posts be? Why do you return to a blog (or subscribe)?

Top 5 blogs that are super short:

  1. 22 words
  2. fail blog
  3. of first importance
  4. creative MYK gallery
  5. christian reflections

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4 Replies to “Break it Down #7”

  1. I’m pretty new to the blogosphere, but it appears to be a great way to communicate with others. Short and relevant blogs are great!

  2. Interesting to read the comments in that post at Sola Panel though. Even though the post seems to ask for feedback – it seems not much of it is welcome! When people say make it shorter etc Sola Panel are saying learn to read longer!

  3. i think there’s more to it than just the length of posts. a number of people spoke about the negative angle that is regularly adopted in the posts. i wonder if that irks me more than post length??

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