Break it Down #9

KYCK09 has just finished its third weekend. Over the last 3 weeks I’ve consistently had people searching for “Victory Boy” find their way to dmdc. Victory Boy was a lame (good lame) superhero character featured each weekend. I know him, so I might try and see if we can get him on an episode of On the Voddy. Stay tuned. I’ve also had a few groupies searching for the MC, Danny Mitchell, I don’t think he has a blog, so go find him over on facebook. Props to Steve Jeffrey & the crew for pulling off KYCK09.


Every month smashing magazine have a killer selection of desktop calendars. Above (click it for full glory) is the one I’ve selected for May. In other breaking news, please don’t tell anyone, but I kinda enjoyed some Greek study tonight!!

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peaceout homies.

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