Feb 9 – Leviticus 7-9; Matthew 25:31-46 – WEEKEND EDITION

Welcome to the “But first, Bible” daily devotional podcast with Dave Miers.

Our passages for today are Leviticus 7-9 and Matthew 25:31-46.

Now yesterday I shared about an elderly man who listens to this podcast while running and made a joke about how it was amazing that he’s still running at his age. Just to let you know, that wasn’t a joke about a random listener, it was actually about… my brother!

Three quick things about my brother. First, while he is 7 years older than me, he’s hardly elderly! Second, he’s actually a much better runner than me. Third, he was disappointed I didn’t share the obscure connection between Leviticus and the New York Times food review. What was it? In his translation of the Bible in Leviticus 1:8 and a few other places, it uses the word “suet” instead of fat. And apparently, the NYTimes food review used “suet” to describe fat at some pretentious restaurants. So there you go.

I also thought I’d share part of an encouraging message my brother sent me this week. Here it is,

“And what I found really helpful was your tip in your Eternity article about “don’t try to catch up”. That was so helpful because that’s where I always fall down – I fall behind a plan so get discouraged and overwhelmed and then just give up. It’s so liberating to think I don’t have to catch up – better to pick it up again somewhere random and midstream than not at all. Otherwise, you spend your life reading genesis/exodus/Matthew etc over and over again and nothing else!” (My Brother)

Thanks brother for the encouragement! It’s now mid-Feb, and I really want to keep encouraging people to press on with their Bible reading, even if it means not catching up on what they’ve missed. So maybe this weekend or in church as you speak to your friends, you can encourage them to keep going with whatever reading plan they’re doing – even if it means skipping the parts they’ve fallen behind on.

Well, it is Saturday, and the weekend edition of this podcast is an opportunity for you to ask 4 questions of one of the passages.

  1. What do we learn about GOD?
  2. What do we learn about PEOPLE?
  3. What do we learn about God’s plan to save people through JESUS?
  4. What should be our RESPONSE?


Have a great Saturday!

Until tomorrow, keep trusting Jesus.
