Jan 13 – Genesis 31-32; Matthew 10:24-42 – WEEKEND EDITION

Welcome to the “But first, Bible” daily devotional podcast with Dave Miers.

Happy Sunday to you all!

I hope you’re able to be part of a church gathering somewhere in the world today. Haven’t been to church for a while? Find a church that teaches the Bible, proclaims the gospel of Jesus’ death & resurrection, and loves people well. If you don’t know of any churches in your area, contact me and I’ll help you to find one.

Today’s readings come from Genesis 31-32 and Matthew 10:24-42.

I want you to ask 4 simple questions of one of these Bible passages. You could write these down in a journal, or just do them in your head as you read through the passage.

Under the headings: GOD, PEOPLE, JESUS, RESPONSE.

  1. What do we learn about GOD?
  2. What do we learn about PEOPLE?
  3. What do we learn about God’s plan to save people through JESUS?
  4. What should be our RESPONSE?

GOD – PEOPLE – JESUS – RESPONSE. You can ask these questions of any passage in the bible.

Until tomorrow, keep trusting Jesus.
