Piper on Cultural Relevance

John Piper doesn’t have a TV and doesn’t go to the movies very often. I’m all for godly engagement with culture in preaching Jesus, but this article from Piper is helpful in keeping the main thing the main thing. Here’s a snippet:

wave @ terrigal

“If you want to be relevant, say, for prostitutes, don’t watch a movie with a lot of tumbles in a brothel. Immerse yourself in the gospel, which is tailor-made for prostitutes; then watch Jesus deal with them in the Bible; then go find a prostitute and talk to her. Listen to her, not the movie. Being entertained by sin does not increase compassion for sinners.”

Go read the whole article.

Pastor Dad by Mark Driscoll

Here’s a new free eBook from Mark Driscoll, Pastor Dad. “Every dad is a pastor. The important thing is that he is caring for his flock well. This book by Pastor Mark Driscoll looks at the ways that a father can raise his children well.” I just became a dad, I’ve had a quick skim, and plan to read it after my exams. Any other fatherhood book recommendations?

Pastor Dad

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Doubt vs Unbelief

From Alistair McGrath (quoted in Kent & Barbara Hughes, Disciplines of a Godly Family):

Unbelieving Thomas

Doubt is natural within faith. It comes because of our human weakness and fraility. […] Unbelief is the deciion to live your life as if there is no God. It is a deliberate decision to reject Jesus Christ and all that he stands for. But doubt is something quite different. Doubt arises within the context of faith. It is a wistful longing to be sure of the things in which we trust. But it is not and need not be a problem.

In John 20:27, Jesus says to Thomas to “Stop doubting and believe” (NIV). The word behind ‘doubting’ is the word ‘unbelieving’. Therefore  ‘doubting’ is probably not the most helpful translation. So I think that McGraith is right in not having ‘doubt’ as the opposite of ‘belief’. (NASB, HCSB, ESV all go for ‘unbelief’ words.)

Matt Chandler is preaching on the Central Coast

…for one night only: Wednesday 26 August 2009. (He’ll also be at a pastor’s conference during the day). Chandler is the Lead Pastor of The Village Church in Texas. Scroll down a bit for 2 videos of Chandler preaching and 3 reasons I value his preaching:

village church

  1. He preaches on the high school ministry retreat
  2. From video 1 – he’s an engaging story teller
  3. From video 2 – he preaches Jesus

See below for the 2 vids…

Continue reading “Matt Chandler is preaching on the Central Coast”

Rice Regenerate Praise – Surrender

Rice Regenerate Praise – Surrender happened last weekend, and it was the goods! Trev Hodge and Deb Fung (and their respective bands) were thoughtful and passionate in the way they led us through stacks of singing. Pete Ko gave a great short talk on ‘Surrender’. Steve Chong led the night well and continues to make saying creeds cool!

Rice Regenerate Praise

Throughout the night a number of people got up between songs that had a word of encouragement from the scriptures to share. This was cool. I helped out with some counselling at the end of the night. It was encouraging chatting to one Christian guy about some areas of his life he needs to surrender to Jesus. I spoke to another guy who isn’t yet a Christian, but I believe he’s close to the Kingdom. It was encouraging to hear of his friend who invited him to start investigating the claims of Jesus about 8 weeks ago.

Go check out a couple of videos at the Rice Regenerate website.