Rice Regenerate Praise – Surrender

Rice Regenerate Praise – Surrender happened last weekend, and it was the goods! Trev Hodge and Deb Fung (and their respective bands) were thoughtful and passionate in the way they led us through stacks of singing. Pete Ko gave a great short talk on ‘Surrender’. Steve Chong led the night well and continues to make saying creeds cool!

Rice Regenerate Praise

Throughout the night a number of people got up between songs that had a word of encouragement from the scriptures to share. This was cool. I helped out with some counselling at the end of the night. It was encouraging chatting to one Christian guy about some areas of his life he needs to surrender to Jesus. I spoke to another guy who isn’t yet a Christian, but I believe he’s close to the Kingdom. It was encouraging to hear of his friend who invited him to start investigating the claims of Jesus about 8 weeks ago.

Go check out a couple of videos at the Rice Regenerate website.

3 Replies to “Rice Regenerate Praise – Surrender”

  1. i’ve only recently been introduced to creeds at bible school and a number of anglican churches i’ve been to.

    they’re not normally introduced very well.

    steve is really helpful in the bit he says before doing it. maybe it’s simply he’s got a passion and ability to communicate that many guys don’t have… but nonetheless, i feel i have a better understanding of why we’re doing it. ie – we’re not just doing it because it’s part of a liturgy written in another time, but we’re doing it because it’s got meaning. it’s meaningful to declare these things together and with dudes throughout church history.


  2. Hey whose big head is that down at the front of the crowd in all of the video’s!!!

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