CJ Mahaney blogged a killer series earlier on in the year on ‘Biblical Productivity’. The Sovereign Grace crew have now packaged it together as a FREE PDF download. It’s the goods. If you’re a Christian who wants to godly and productive in the way you use your time… check it. No diggity.
Rejoice in the Global Financial Crisis
Check out the way the early Christians (written to in Hebrews) responded in the face of a financial crisis: “32Remember those earlier days after you had received the light, when you stood your ground in a great contest in the face of suffering. 33Sometimes you were publicly exposed to insult and persecution; at other times you stood side by side with those who were so treated. 34You sympathized with those in prison and joyfully accepted the confiscation of your property, because you knew that you yourselves had better and lasting possessions.” (Hebrews 10:32-34)
If you’re a Christian, your perspective in life is larger than the person who doesn’t follow Jesus. That’s why the Hebrew Christians were able to rejoice in their suffering – they knew they had a better and lasting possession in Jesus. I think that Christians likewise today are better placed to deal with financial catastrophes. Our hope isn’t in gold, silver, stocks, bonds, property or any stuff here and now – our hope is in the inheritance made secure through the resurrection of Jesus.
Rice Regenerate Praise May 16
Avid followers of this blog would know that I like RICE. I’m really excited how God is at work through this movement. This Saturday there’s some more RICE action up for grabs… and it’s not too late to get tickets for RICE REGENERATE PRAISE. Featuring Deb Fung and Trevor Hodge – it pomises to be the goods! Details below.
The 2009 Regenerate PRAISE Night, ‘Surrender’ hopes to encourage this vision of renewal through the gathering of like-minded believers to engage in a deeper praise and worship of our awesome Father. Consisting of congregational singing, musical items, testimonies, bible readings and more, our prayer is that God would use this night to transform lives through a reinvigorated desire and affection for Him.
Date: Saturday May 16th 2009
Time: 7pm – 9:30pm
Place: North Shore Christian Centre, 175 Lower Gibbs Street, Chatswood, NSW
Entry via Chatswood Business Park (Off Smith Street)
Church History on iTunes U
iTunes U is gold! It’s a stack of tertiary institutions around the world that share their lectures and resources online through iTunes. (I’ve linked to it before: here and here).
We’ve got a Church History essay due next Tuesday. Over the last few days, I’ve listened to a couple of relevant lectures that have been helpful for setting the context. They are from Covenant Theological Seminary: Reformation and Modern Church History. Reformed Theological Seminary also have a stack of lectures online.
This might be helpful for others doing the same essay. Not doing the essay? Open iTunes (download here), go into the iTunes Store, and there’s an iTunes U button in the top left corner – lots of treasures to be found!
A warm fuzzy for the 1st person with the name of chick in the above pic…
Coast Men’s Convention 2009
Rego for Coast Men’s Convention 09 opens this Monday. CMC09 is on Saturday 4th July. Al Stewart is the main speaker. Check out their great website: www.coastmc.com
Ted and Gayle Haggard @ Elevation Church
Steven Furtick is a Pastor I respect. I dig his sermons and love his blog. He’s copped plenty of flack in the last couple of weeks for having Ted and Gayle Haggard in church this past weekend. Why? Ted Haggard was the Pastor of a large and influential church in America, until he 2.5 years ago there was a massive scandal after he was found to be visiting a male prostitute. Big fall. Big consequences.
Furtick had the Haggards in church as part of their ‘Healer’ series. I listened/watched the interview earlier today. Furtick has a number of reflections on his blog. Here’s two:
- Sin is devastating.
- Forgiveness is powerful.
Ted stuffed up big time. He doesn’t deserve the forgiveness of his wife. She’s a legend for her ability to forgive! It comes across clearly that the basis for her forgiving her husband is the forgiveness she’s received from God demonstrated at the cross of Jesus. The forgiveness that God offers to sinful people is likewise undeserved. Jesus died for us when we were ungodly, powerless, sinners and enemies of God.
Verbal Aspect Glossary
I’ve got a greek exam on Verbal Aspect in a bit over a week. I found the verbal glossary at the back of Con’s book good for quick reference. So I typed it out.
Here it is: DOWNLOAD (pdf).