Church History on iTunes U

iTunes U is gold! It’s a stack of tertiary institutions around the world that share their lectures and resources online through iTunes. (I’ve linked to it before: here and here).

church history on iTunes U

We’ve got a Church History essay due next Tuesday. Over the last few days, I’ve listened to a couple of relevant lectures that have been helpful for setting the context. They are from Covenant Theological Seminary: Reformation and Modern Church History. Reformed Theological Seminary also have a stack of lectures online.

This might be helpful for others doing the same essay. Not doing the essay? Open iTunes (download here), go into the iTunes Store, and there’s an iTunes U button in the top left corner – lots of treasures to be found!

A warm fuzzy for the 1st person with the name of chick in the above pic…

7 Replies to “Church History on iTunes U”

  1. hey dave… you’re pic is of queen elizabeth… the first one – who cate b played so well in the movies! :)

    good tips on the itunes stuff. i never noticed it before.

  2. thanks for the warm fuzzy. much appreciated. see you on sunday an in the meantime, good luck with the essay!

  3. Bro, good post. The RTS lectures are excellent… and not just for Church History too. The Systematic Theology and Philosophy ones (particularly John Frame’s lectures) are simply awesome.

  4. earngey – i reckon you’ve got a man crush on john frame!!! is he the one who does the lectures on francais schaeffer?

    peaceout homie.

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