Do not lose heart #3

We’ve seen that it’s easy to lose heart in the Christian life and in Christian ministry. We’ve also seen how 2 Corinthians 4 can encourage us to not lose heart. What does all this mean?

Don't lose heart #3

It means we keep in mind the big picture. We need to keep seeing the forest from the trees. When we are ready to give up, we need to fix our eyes on eternity.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:16-18)

Do not lose heart #1

It’s pretty easy to lose heart in the Christian life and in Christian ministry. I’m continually saddened by the number of people I personally know who have given up on the Christian life. To a lesser extent, it’s devastating when Christian ministers lose heart and give up their ministry.

Do not lose heart

2 Corinthians has a lot to say about reasons for not losing heart. In it we meet the Apostle Paul who goes through much hardship, yet has good reason to persevere in his Christian life and ministry. In 4:1 and 4:16 Paul says “therefore we do not lose heart”, and in between those two verses there are at least 5 reasons to not lose heart. Knowing these things will enable you to not lose heart – whether you are a young Christian or an old-timer. Want to know more? Keep an eye out on the next 5 posts, in the meantime have a read of 2 Corinthians 4:1-18:

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Jesus Life Culture Design #27

Prince Harry is in trouble again. I reckon how he should behave as a royal, is a little like how a Christian should behave. Harry didn’t do anything to become part of the Royal Family. He doesn’t deserve to be 3rd in line for the throne. But, because he is part of that family, he needs to live worthily of the name he carries. Philippians 1:27 says to live “in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.” Christians don’t deserve to be Christian. Christians don’t deserve to be members of God’s family and co-heirs with Christ. BUT nonetheless they are to live worthily of the name that they carry. Just a thought.

Jesus Life Culture Design

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The Search – Ecclesiastes

Ecclesiastes was a book of wisdom written about 3000 years ago. Yet it could easily have been written yesterday with its relevant observations of “life under the sun”. It was written by (or at least through the eyes of) Solomon, King of Israel. In it he speaks about life, death, work, money, pleasure, sex, alcohol, music, justice and God. The big question that Solomon asks is “what’s the point of life?”

The Search - Ecclesiastes

Throughout the book he embarks on a search to find meaning and purpose in life. He concludes that everything is meaningless – it’s temporary and won’t last forever. Although everything “under the sun” is meaningless, life under the Son (JESUS) is far from meaningless. As we think about the search for meaning and purpose in life – the key question we want to think through is “what difference does Jesus make?” Knowing Jesus changes everything!

I gave the following talks (mp3) on The Real Thing 0809:

  1. The Search for Meaning
  2. The Search for Happiness
  3. The Search for Status
  4. The Search for Justice
  5. The Search for Immortality
  6. Fix your eyes on Eternity

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