Driscoll at Moore College

Mark Driscoll spoke yesterday afternoon at Moore Theological College. He spoke on Gospel Proclamation (1 Corinthains 9:16-18) and Gospel Contextualisation (1 Corinthians 9:19-22). It was GOLD! He didn’t pull any punches in his critique of Sydney Anglican/ Moore College culture, yet he was forthright in his praise of the commitment the College and Diocese has to the Bible.

He spoke about two main teams in contemporary churches: Really Cool Heretics and Boring Bible Guys. He said there’s a third option: The not-quite-so-boring Bible Guys. Here are 3 things he said about how to be the third option in thinking through gospel contextualisation:

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Sick of Religion?

Last night was the second night of Driscoll on the Coast. Jon Baldwin, Mike McCarthy and Nicole Walkinshaw did a great job with music. Mark Driscoll spoke on Sick of Religion? The talk on Monday night was for Christians and this talk was a suitable one to bring friends to hear.

He spoke with great humour as he shared his own extended testimony. He began by saying that Americans are known for coming in and picking on people… so instead he said he’d pick on himself as he spoke about his ‘religious’ background. After his testimony, the talk was a comparison between Religion and Jesus. He didn’t speak from one passage, but referred to many along the way. Here are his 10 points:

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Lovin’ the Coast

Driscoll on the Coast night #1. Wow! What an incredible night!! Mark Driscoll spoke on Lovin’ the Coast.  He spoke on Exodus 20 (+ a stack of other Bible references) and the 10 commandments. He spent his whole time on #1 (You shall have no other gods before me) and #2 (you shall not make for yourself an idol…) specifically speaking about Idolatry and contrasting it with worship. The brilliant thing that Mark did was accurately diagnose the cultural context of the Central Coast.

As a non-Central Coast resident, he spoke about what he observed about the area. He summarised the idol of the Coast as the Idol of Comfort. This is our god. The Central Coast has a great love for the creation, but no love for the Creator. In the end, idolatry is really at the root of all sin.

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RICE Rally 2008

We had a killer time last night at RICE Rally 2008! The music was great. We played the largest ever game of King Caractacus. Sam Mak and Steve Chong did a great job MCing. Mark Driscoll preached a cracker sermon on Jesus’ death and resurrection. 500+ teenagers claimed to put their trust in Jesus!! Check out our view of the 4000 teenagers gathered at The Sydney Entertainment Centre.

RICE is an incredible event and movement that has grown exponentially since its inception in 2002. One of the keys to the growth has been the involvement of so many leaders at the grass roots level. Praise God for the way he continues to work through this movement.

Jesus Life Culture Design #11

Mark Driscoll is in town this week. Media Reports: smh; sydney anglicans 1; and sydney anglicans 2. There are just 2 tickets left to Sick of Religion and about 50 left to Lovin’ the Coast. Register online. I’m looking forward to hearing Mark speak a number of times over the week. Three things I value about Mark Driscoll’s preaching: 1) He’s not boring 2) He boldly speaks the truth and 3) He speaks about Jesus… a lot!

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