Sick of Religion?

Last night was the second night of Driscoll on the Coast. Jon Baldwin, Mike McCarthy and Nicole Walkinshaw did a great job with music. Mark Driscoll spoke on Sick of Religion? The talk on Monday night was for Christians and this talk was a suitable one to bring friends to hear.

He spoke with great humour as he shared his own extended testimony. He began by saying that Americans are known for coming in and picking on people… so instead he said he’d pick on himself as he spoke about his ‘religious’ background. After his testimony, the talk was a comparison between Religion and Jesus. He didn’t speak from one passage, but referred to many along the way. Here are his 10 points:

  1. Religion is something you’re physically born into. Jesus is on about being spiritually re-born into him
  2. Religion is just for the big days. Jesus is about every day.
  3. Religion is about how you get stuff from God. Jesus is about getting God and knowing Him.
  4. Religion sees God as a taker. Jesus is a giver, he gave his own life.
  5. Religion is about what you do. Jesus is about what he has done.
  6. Religious people don’t know what to do when hardship comes. Jesus knows suffering and his followers know how to deal with hard times.
  7. Religion says if you obery God, then he will love you. Jesus says that it’s because God loves you that you can obey him.
  8. (I missed this one… but I don’t think he said one… not sure if he skipped it… or just can’t count!!)
  9. Religion leads to uncertainty. Jesus gives certainty.
  10. Religion leads to pride and/or despair. Jesus leads to love, love that forgives sin, is patient and that changes people.

Good stuff.

PS – just been blown away by the a talk MD gave at Moore College this arvo!

3 Replies to “Sick of Religion?”

  1. re the ps
    I reckon the Moore Talk was probably one of the best times I’ve heard him – hope it gets out on MP3 somewhere -do you have a bootleg by any chance?

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