Resolved: Read the Word

Happy New Year! The number 1 Christian New Year’s Resolution is to read the Bible more. Here are 4 reasons from 2 Timothy 3:14-17 why it’s a good resolution: 1) v14 Christianity is all about remembering and continuing; 2) v15 The Word is God’s Power for Saving People; 3) v16 All Scripture is breathed out by God; 4) vv16-17 The Bible is useful for all of life. Below are some resources to help you read it, remember it and pray it.

Read It

Remember It

Pray It

Jesus is Speaking. Are you Listening?

Who or what are you listening to? There are a stack of different voices competing for our attention. Some of those voices are positive, some are negative. Parents. Teachers. Television. Magazines. Friends. The internet. Billboards. Employer. Authors. Celebrities.

The Bible says that we are made by and for Jesus. That means we belong to him. Therefore, the most important voice we can listen to is the voice of Jesus.

In Luke 6:46-49 Jesus shows what it will be like for someone to truly listen to his voice.

Jesus says that not all who claim to be his followers are actually his followers. “Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” (Luke 6:46) There are people who claim to be Christian, but don’t really follow through with what Jesus has said.

In verse 48-49, Jesus then compares 2 different types of builders. One of them “dug down deep and laid the foundation on rock. When a flood came, the torrent struck that house but could not shake it, because it was well built”

Check out what Jesus says about the other builder: “But the one who hears my words and does not put them into practice is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. The moment the torrent struck that house, it collapsed and its destruction was complete.”

How do you show that you are listening to Jesus? By doing what he says.

As you get ready to kick on in to 2011, build your life upon Jesus. He is the Rock. Get dug down deep! Listen to THE voice and obey.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel

Merry Christmas!! On our road trip around NZ, we listened to an Advent/Christmas playlist (including these albums that don’t suck!). One that come up from 4 or 5 different artists was O Come, O Come, Emmanuel. Emmanuel. It means ‘God with us’. This particular song, written 1000 years ago, reflects upon the Old Testament promises of God himself coming to save his people. In the New Testament, with the coming of Jesus, we see God with us. Jesus is the long awaited fulfilment of all of God’s promises.

At Christmas, we are reminded that God isn’t aloof, but that he has come near in the person and work of his Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. The Creator has entered into his creation. He is able to sympathise with us in our weakness and suffering. He experienced the full array of human emotion. This Christmas our church family is mourning the sudden loss of one of its young members. The fact that Jesus has come near brings great comfort. The fact that Jesus has come near means that we can draw near to God, and have a certain hope that will never perish, spoil or fade.

O Come, O Come, Emmanuel lyrics are below:

Continue reading “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel”

The Good Shepherd + Humble Orthodoxy

We’re currently on holidays on the South Island of New Zealand. We’ve seen more sheep than people. Below are some local sheep posing for the camera. While on the subject of sheep, I recently spoke on the Youthworks YMC – Some to be Shepherds. I gave the opening and closing talks. The first one was on John 10 – I think it was a good place to kick off the conference reflecting on Jesus the Good Shepherd. The final talk was on Humble Orthodoxy – which is all about speaking the truth without being a jerk.

Here are the mp3s for both talks:

To get all 6 talks on Video, contact Youthworks (they have a swanky new website!!).

Don’t Waste Your Life – Vanuatu 2010 Talk MP3s

Each day on Scripture Union Schoolies in Vanuatu 2010, I lead the team through some studies in Ephesians. The big question we thought through concerned what to do with the rest of your life. Having just finished 13 years of schooling, it was perfect timing to urge the 25 fantastic schoolies to not waste their lives. The encouragement from Ephesians is to live a life on purpose bringing glory and honour to Jesus in all things.

Here are the MP3s from each talk (right click to download):

If you were on Vanuatu and happened to fall asleep in any of my talks… go crazy with these bad boys on your iPod! Peaceout.

Think Hard, Stay Humble: The Life of the Mind and the Peril of Pride

I had a mild case of preacher crush watching this sermon the other night. It’s Francis Chan from the Desiring God National Conference 2010. Some really really good stuff. His main text is 1 Corinthians 8:1-3. We need to be those who don’t just think hard about the scriptures, but also think hard about loving people. Chan’s passion for people and particularly for lost people is a rebuke and challenge to me.

Rather than plagiarising some of the content, I might just play it on the big screen at a conference I’m speaking at this week!

If you can’t see the vid above – click here to watch/download.

EDIT: Here is what I came up with my message “Humble Orthodoxy”

Yesu Azali Awa – Esalaik String Band

One of my highlights of Vanuatu 2010 was a rather boisterous sing-a-long to and from our kayaking adventure. The kayaking was slightly sketchy: bad kayaks; risky conditions; overpriced; and lame sharks to feed. That didn’t matter. The trip was worth it. String Bands are a popular form of music in Vanuatu. We enjoyed listening to the Esalaik String Band on the bus. In one of the songs we recognised some of the lyrics and began to sing along. The bus driver liked this. So he kept repeating the track.

After both legs of the journey, we probably sang the song over 50 times!! The song was called Yesu Azali Awa – which I think means ‘Jesus is my Lord’. The chorus basically repeats the line ‘Hallelujah Jesus’ over and over again. And so we repeated it over and over again! So much fun.

Here are some vids from the experience that made it onto facebook: vid 1 and vid 2.

And above is a vid of my son dancing to the same song. :)