During the week of praying for persecuted Christians, here is some breaking news from Pakistan. Read it, then pray. Copied with permission from Thirteen Three.

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Asia Bibi, a 37-year-old Christian Pakistani woman was sentenced to death on Monday 8 November 2010 for blasphemy. She is the first woman ever to receive the death sentence for blasphemy in Pakistan.
A Voice of the Martyrs spokesperson said, “We have 7 days to appeal this [decision to the High Court], which of course we will. This is very serious!”
No one sentenced to death for blasphemy in Pakistan has yet been executed – but Asia could now spend years in appalling conditions in prison on death row. It may take years before her appeal is heard.
Asia was arrested in June 2009 after Muslims accused her of making derogatory comments against Islam’s prophet, Mohammed. Her trial lasted 16 months and the judge yesterday handed down to Asia the maximum sentence of death for the crime of blasphemy against Islam. Read more of Asia’s story here.
Voice of the Martyrs workers met with Asia last week to encourage and pray for her. During this meeting Asia said,
“It does not matter to me whether I am sentenced or whether the judge will set me free because I know that I am innocent and most of all I know that the Lord is with me. They persecuted Jesus also and the Bible says that they will persecute us as well.”
This is an URGENT call for us to be BOUND WITH THEM, to stand side by side with Asia in prayer, trusting that God can work in this terrible situation. This is what Thirteen Three is all about, mobilizing Australian youth to support Christians like Asia Bibi who are counted worthy of suffering for the Name of Christ.
Will you be BOUND WITH Asia Bibi?
Here are three things I am urging you to do right now to support Asia:
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