International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians

Next Sunday (14 Nov) is International Day of Prayer for Persecuted Christians (IDOP). Christians are encouraged to pray during the week 7-14 Nov. Here’s a blurb from Thirteen Three: “Thirteen Three is calling on Australian youth to lift their voices in prayer during the week of IDOP expressing that we are BOUND WITH THEM, that we stand together with our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ. We’re expecting God to work in BIG ways as we pray for God to strengthen his people to stand firm and endure until the end.”

Watch the video above and then pray for our family in Uzbekistan.

Reformation Day – Confidence

Happy Reformation Day! October 31 is a significant day in the history of the Gospel and God’s work in the world. It’s got nothing to do with Halloween, but it does have something to do with people knocking on doors! I liked this quote this morning from my friend on twitter: “31/10 – Kids knock on doors asking for treats. 31/10 – Martin Luther knocks on Church door asking for Reform”. On October 31, 1517, the young monk Martin Luther nailed his ‘95 Theses‘ to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany.

That document outlined a number of concerns he had with some specific problems within the Roman Catholic church of his time. His goal in the first instance was to reform the church, but in the end it was the spark that lead to the Protestant Reformation.

One of the legacies of Luther and the Reformation for Christians today is confidence.

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According to Twitter: Philippians + Colossians

Here’s the latest according to twitter. Philippians and Colossians are chockers with great memory verses!! It was hard to choose just one verse each day. Are you a Christian? How are you going with spending regular time listening to God in his Word? Not a Christian? Give the bible a shot, it might just change your life! Start here.

Here is the reading plan I use (PDF). Here are some other  Bible reading resources.

See below the jump for the compilation of the Philippians + Colossians verses:

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YMC 2010 – Some to be Shepherds

Are you involved in youth ministry? Not too far from Sydney? Yes and yes? Then I reckon you should get your butt along to the Youth Ministry Conference run by Youthworks. I’m really looking forward to giving a couple of talks this year, and think that the content we’ll be looking at will be really valuable. Read more info below and at the YMC website.

SPEAKERS: Mark Sayers, Steve Morrison, Mike Everett and Dave Miers.

DEC 6-8 | Port Hacking, Sydney. Electives & Program

Jesus gives us the perfect example of Shepherd leadership and it is a tough example to follow. He shows humility and at the same time strength and conviction. He shows mercy and grace and yet a willingness to rebuke and call for change.

This year the Youth Ministry Conference is all about how we lead, the culture in which we are leading and practical electives to equip us to serve in a God-honouring way. The conference is for Youth Ministers, Chaplains, SRE teachers and leaders who really want to be pushed to a new level.

For those who are used to our usual conference format you will notice there is something a bit different about YMC this year. We’re going retreat-style which we hope will facilitate a great time of networking, refreshment and mutual encouragement for all participants. There are also options for those who can’t stay the whole time so noone misses out!

Registration is open | Enquiries: (02) 8268 3355

See you there!

Steve Chong Video Blogging from Cape Town

My good friend Steve Chong is currently attending The Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelization with 4000 other Evangelical leaders in Cape Town, South Africa. He’s been churning out a number of video blogs each day. They are really worth your while. Some of his interviews include John Piper, former Australian Deputy PM – John Anderson and Bishop Glenn Davies. Steve was almost mugged by a dude at knife point!

He also had the opportunity to lead a taxi driver and security guard to Christ!! Seriously cool stuff happening. Vids definitely worth watching. Watch them on the Kirkplace website | Watch them on their YouTube channel | Also check out his tweets and twitpics

If you’re a Christian, pray that this congress would lead to more evangelism.

If you’re not a Christian, check this, this or this to see what all the fuss is about!

See below for two of the vids:
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According to Twitter: Galatians + Ephesians

Here’s the latest according to twitter. Some incredible stuff in Galatians and Ephesians about what God has done in Jesus to bring people to himself. It’s not about keeping laws, being a good person or trusting yourself. It’s all about Jesus. Through the blood of Jesus, people who are far away can be brought near to God. Very cool.

Here is the reading plan I use (PDF). Here are some other  Bible reading resources.

See below the jump for the compilation of the Galatians + Ephesians verses:

Continue reading “According to Twitter: Galatians + Ephesians”