Two random things about teardrops: 1) I’ve noticed teardrop tattoos underneath the eyes of some rough nuts while doing street work. They signify the loss of a friend or a loved one. Check out wikipedia for more specific info. Interesting. 2) One of my favourite songs from 1998 is Teardrop by Massive Attack. Watch the vid. Newtown Faulkner has a very cool cover of Teardrop. Watch it below. Here are 4 vignettes of ‘tears’ in the Bible:
- Tears of the Oppressed – in Ecclesiastes 4, the Teacher looks and sees the “tears of the oppressed – and they have no comforter”. There are a number of examples in the Old Testament of tears. Often they are in the context of sin, despair and brokenness. (Revive have a song from this passage)
- Jesus anointed by the tears of a sinful woman – from Luke 7. We don’t know her name, but this ‘sinful woman’ breaks down in front of Jesus, anointing his feet with her tears. Jesus declares her sins forgiven.
- Jesus’ soul is overwhelmed with sorrow – in Mark 14 Jesus prays in the garden of Gethsemane. It doesn’t use the word ‘tears’ but I presume that Jesus shed many tears as he was ‘overwhelmed with sorrow’. Jesus knows the real pain of the cross he is about to endure. His body was broken, so that broken people – like the ‘sinful woman’ above and like me – can have their sin dealt with.
- Jesus wipes every tear from their eyes – the final vignette in this ensemble is breathtaking. In Revelation 21, Jesus wipes away every tear from the eyes of his people. No more death. No more crying. No more pain. With God. Brilliant.
Are you one of his people? Do you long for that day?
Newton Faulkner Teardrop vid below: