In The Chute church planting conference

I’m currently attending In The Chute. It’s a conference run by the newly formed church planting network, The Geneva Push. The conference has been very well run. The Geneva Push is an impressive, well-thought out gospel-centred movement.

the geneva push

We’ve heard from Andrew Heard, Al Stewart, Mikey Lynch, Tim Baldwin, Paul Dale, Wayne Pickford, Jim Wallace, Mark Dever, Cathie Heard, Dave Sheath and Scott Parry-Jones. It’s all been great content and I’m praying that God would use this movement to plant 1000s of gospel centred, cross-driven, Christ-exalting churches throughout Australia. (What’s all the fuss about Jesus? Check this)

Mikey Lynch has been dominating the live blogging while we’re here. Seriously there’s like infinity posts. (If you’re reading this after the event – check the first post – and then keep clicking ‘newer post’ in the bottom left corner to work your way through them!)

Interested in Aussie church planting? Regardless of your denomination, check out The Geneva Push for a killer network.

I want your ideas on Youth Leadership Principles

Later this week I’ll be getting together with a bunch of others involved in youth ministry to brainstorm potential chapters for a book on Youth Leadership Principles.

youth leadership principles

Are you (or in the past have you been) involved in youth ministry?

  • What are some some principles of leadership in your youth ministry?
  • What are the non-negotiable principles of youth leadership?
  • What errors have you or others made in your approach to youth leadership?
  • What would you like to read in a book on youth leadership principles?
  • Anything else you think is relevant.

Thanks for your help!

I have hidden your word in my heart – Sermon & Resources

“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you” Psalm 119:11. “Resolved, To study the Scriptures so steadily, constantly, and frequently, as that I may find, and plainly perceive, myself to grow in the knowledge of the same” Jonathan Edwards Resolution #28. Tonight I preached on Psalm 119 and following through with resolutions to read the Bible. I was challenged to delight in God and his word.

Hiding God's Word in Your Heart

Here’s an MP3 recording of the sermon (I forgot my sound recorder and used the iTalk app on my phone – turned out okay). I suggested 3 practical ways to hide the word in your heart. Here are some tools for reading, remembering and praying…

Read It

Remember It

Pray It

      Killer night at LIVE OUT LOUD!

      LIVE OUT LOUD went really well. There were about 2000 youth at the event. Qurious and Revive played great sets. Lara from St Ives did a great job in sharing her testimony. Steve Chong preached passionately from Luke 12 and urged people to be rich towards God. I’m not sure on the figures yet, but there were a whole bunch who became Christian and many more who were already Christian stood up to say they wanted to live out loud for Jesus. Oh yeah, Rowena said the MC was good looking.

      LOUD09 phone pics

      Here’s a couple of phone pics from the night (nabbed one from calum). Stay tuned for some higher quality official pics soon! Shout out to FERVR.NET, connect09 and youthworks for hosting the night.

      Did you go? What did you think? Do it again next year???

      Don’t Waste Your Life – MP3s from Vanuatu

      In Vanuatu, my main responsibility was to lead the group Bible study each day. It was such an encouraging time! The Schoolies were a solid bunch of Christians and so they loved spending time in the Word as a large group, in smaller groups and in quiet times. The series we did was called “Don’t Waste Your Life”. The aim was to think through how to spend the rest of our lives by investing in things that matter. While some material was borrowed from John Piper’s great book by the same name, it was more or less a study of Ephesians and what it says about God’s purposes for his people.

      only one life it'll soon be past, only what's done in Christ will last

      Ultimately the series is all about Jesus. God is at work in the world to bring all things under the rule of Jesus (Eph 1:9-10). A life on purpose is a life lived trusting in and living for Jesus. I was personally encouraged to “Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead, descended from David, this is my gospel…” (2 Timothy 2:8) Here are the MP3s:

      1. You’ve got ONE SHOT – Ecclesiastes
      2. GLORIFY Jesus – Ephesians 1 & 3
      3. GATHER with Jesus – Ephesians 2-3
      4. GROW in Jesus – Ephesians 4-5
      5. GIVE like Jesus – Ephesians 4
      6. GOSPEL of Jesus – Ephesians 6
      7. GLAD in Jesus – Ephesians 5
      8. Remember JESUS – 2 Corinthians 4; Hebrews 12 & 2 Timothy 2:8 (includes Communion)

      Here’s a training session I did too: Encouragise, Empathise, Evangelise

      Were you on Schoolies? Let us know how you were encouraged and challenged. Got any questions? Leave them in the comments or contact me.

      This is the 3rd time I’ve done this series. Here’s one and two. I think it improved!