Web Watch Wrap #3

Welcome to Autumn! 3 Random Autumn decisions follow. 1) I decided yesterday that Autumn is my favourite season. Spring came a close 2nd. The decisive factor was that Autumn leads into winter and Spring leads into Summer. I like Winter better than Summer… You can always put more clothes on – but there’s only so many you can take off!! I like the leaves too. 2) I also decided to finish my first week of Bible Skool by filing all of my paperwork. Good start. 3) I also decided to write more book reviews on this blog this year. I read lots of books – I think I’ll read even more this year. Stay tuned.

web watch wrap

WEB WATCH WRAP: my bookmarks through del.icio.us. You can subscribe to them via RSS or just keep an eye out on the left sidebar. Here are the latest 10:

Continue reading “Web Watch Wrap #3”

Should women pursue men?

Mark Driscoll was asked this question during question time in his sermon on “dating”. If you are a single man – watch the clip below to see his answer. If you are a single woman – watch it. If you are married – watch it so you can encourage your friends!

Driscoll says that the most under-represented demographic in churches are men in the 18-34 age bracket. Mars Hill Church invest much of their energy into reaching these men. In a culture and context where young “men” spend on average 2.5 hours on video games per day – it’s time to man up!

The sermon is very good – check it out on the Mars Hill Church website (it also has links on how to do it in iTunes)

Here are some more clips from the sermon and question time:

The game they play in heaven

Football (also known as Soccer) and not Rugby Union is ‘the game they play in heaven’. This post has been prompted by some big matches about to be played (Australia vs Qatar, QLD Roar vs Sydney FC and Central Coast Mariners vs Newcastle Jets) and a proper understanding of the Bible.

every tribe language people nation

Rugby Union is an ugly distortion of the ‘beautiful game‘. Based on Revelation 5:9-10, I believe that there won’t be a Tri-Nations Rugby Union tournament between the 3 Rugby playing countries in heaven, but rather a full-blown Football World Cup with participants from “every tribe and language and people and nation”. Soccer is for all nations. Jesus is for all nations.

However, the cheering at moments like these is but a soft whisper compared to the glorious cheering at this moment.

Joga Bonito.

A new beginning

Welcome to dave miers dot com! This is my new online home. All of my old posts from eternal weight of glory have been transferred across to this new site (see the archives to the left). Why the change? 1) Change is fun. 2) WordPress is better than blogger. 3) This is now a business!

a new beginning

Tomorrow I begin 3 years of full-time study Bible college. Since I’m not working for a church this year, I’m hoping that my designing, writing and speaking skills can help to pay the bills. I have an ABN and I’m ready to ROCK, contact me if you want to ROLL! I will also be tutoring maths and English two afternoons a week.

Features of this website:

Any feedback on the site would be appreciated. Thanks.